Ce cours est destiné aux
étudiants M1 de spécialité Génie chimique et à travers cette matière,
l’étudiant apprend à concevoir, dimensionner et simuler certains procédés
industriels en relation avec le génie des procédés en utilisant un code de
calcul sous forme de simulateur. Le programme est adapté selon le simulateur
Aspen HYSYS V10.
- TeachPlus: Said SAMER
Furnaces and Boilers (Fours et Chaudières)
The goal of the matter "Furnaces and Boilers", intended for students of the first year of the academic master chemical engineering (second semester), is to explain the operation of industrial furnaces and boilers, to establish an energy balance of the two devices with determination of their thermal efficiencies, indicate the energy loss stations in these equipments and the optimizing methods of the thermal balance and describe the main operations of the heating equipment.
- TeachPlus: Réda KHAMA
The purpose of the energy storage study is to develop efficient and cost-effective techniques for storing and managing excess energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar. Energy storage can help stabilize the grid by providing a reliable source of energy during periods of high demand, reducing the need for costly and polluting facilities. In addition, it can improve energy security by reducing dependence on imported fuels and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the need for fossil fuel-fuelled plants. The study of energy storage is therefore crucial for the transition to a more sustainable and resilient energy system.
For students, the study of energy storage is an important opportunity due to its growing character and the many exciting developments and innovation opportunities in this field. Studying energy storage can provide a variety of skills and knowledge relevant to a wide range of industries, including energy production and distribution, engineering, environmental sciences and materials science.
In addition, energy storage is a key element in the transition to a more sustainable energy system and students studying in this field will be able to contribute to the development of new technologies and systems to reduce gas emissions at greenhouse effect, improve energy consumption, strengthen energy security and create a more resilient energy infrastructure.
Finally, the study of energy storage can also provide a solid foundation for solving interdisciplinary problems by requiring knowledge and expertise in a wide range of fields. By studying energy storage, students will have the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of the complex technical, economic and political challenges associated with this field, and the skills needed to meet these challenges and advance towards a more sustainable energy future.
- TeachPlus: Monsaf TAMERABET
Unit Operations 2 (Opérations Unitaires 2)
The matter "Unit Operations 2" is intended for first-year students of the Academic Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering (second semester).
At the end of the semester, the student will have acquired the necessary knowledge to understand the Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena and to size certain equipment.
- TeachPlus: Réda KHAMA
Ce cours est adressé aux étudiants inscrits en première année master de la filière de génie des procédés, option : génie chimique. Afin d’aborder cette matière, les étudiants doivent avoir acquis suffisamment de connaissances en thermodynamique ; phénomènes de transfert (transfert de matière, transfert de chaleur).
Ce cours a pour objectif de permettre aux étudiants d’acquérir des connaissances fondamentales relatives aux opérations unitaires (Colonne de distillation, Séparation FLASH, Extracteur Liquide-Solide et Mélangeurs). A la fin de ce cours, l’étudiant doit être capable de : (i) maîtriser les techniques séparatives du Génie des Procédés (distillation, extraction et mélangeage), (ii) aborder les notions de dimensionnement et de la conception des équipements, (iii) connaitre les principaux problèmes de fonctionnement.- TeachPlus: Abdellah BEICHA
Ce cours a pour but :
1. La maîtrise de la lecture et de l’analyse de cours techniques.
2. L’acquisition de vocabulaire et de structures indispensables à la compréhension de documents techniques.
3. Le développement des capacités de communication en situation professionnelle.
4. Lister un vocabulaire et des expressions spécifiques à son domaine technique
- TeachPlus: Lamia YOUB
Le but de ce module est de:
- Développer la sensibilisation des étudiants au respect des principes éthiques et des règles qui régissent la vie à l’université et dans le monde du travail.
- Les sensibiliser au respect et à la valorisation de la propriété intellectuelle.
- Leur expliquer les risques des maux moraux telle que la corruption et à la manière de les combattre,
- les alerter sur les enjeux éthiques que soulèvent les nouvelles technologies et le développement durable.
- TeachPlus: Fatiha MEZACHE